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                                                        Front Screen Demist Cure

The screen de-mister had never worked very well, with the damp and rain the other night it was time to have a look see.

Step 1.    On driver side, remove the covering above the foot controls.
Step 2.    Disconnect the brake light socket. (ringed)
Step 3.    Remove the air duct that runs from heater box to driver's door (covered in cloth)
Step 4.    You will now be able to clearly see the cable controls and arms that operate the flaps in the heater box.
Step 5.    Check and clip the cable end back into position.

I now have a full blast of air to the front screen, something I've never had on either of the two senators I've owned !!

                               Demist1.jpg (16247 bytes)    

                                                Below = 'un-clipped'
                               Demist4.jpg (20030 bytes)

                                        Below clipped back into position.

                               Demist2.jpg (20834 bytes)